George Duncan Essay Contest
Publication Release Form
For students under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign this form.
By signing this form, you agree to allow the Monadnock Writers’ Group to use the student’s name,
written work, verbal statements, or photograph(s) to appear in contest publicity, in MWG publications or press releases, or on the MWG website. Photographs and/or essays may or may not personally identify the student. MWG may continue to use the photographs and/or essays in subsequent years.
The Student or Parent/Guardian releases to the Monadnock Writers’ Group the student’s written work, photograph, whether provided by the student or taken at a public event, and verbal statements, and consents to their use by program sponsors. For student protection, MWG will follow these guidelines:
The student’s name, portrait, and verbal statements will only be used for public relations, public information, and program promotion.
Student authors will not be identified by personal details other than first and last name. (We will NOT include student e-mail or mailing address, telephone, or fax numbers.)
MWG will accede to any written request by a parent or legal guardian for the removal of specific photographs featuring their child, or references to their child’s name.
Please Note: The purpose of the George Duncan Contest is to encourage high quality writing, and it is understood that we will submit the work of contest winners to local papers for publication. Thus, no signed waiver will be sought or required prior to publication, which, in any case, is not guaranteed.
The Student and Parent/Guardian understand and agree that:
Consent and release have been given without coercion or duress;
This agreement is binding on heirs and/or future legal representatives;
Photographs, essays, and student statements may be used in subsequent years.
Student’s Name: (please print) ________________________________________________________
Student’s School and Grade (grades 10-12 only) __________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian: (please print) ________________________________________________
Signature of Student or Parent/Guardian: _______________________________________________
Effective Date of Agreement: _________________________________________________________
Note: MWG has no control of media use of photos, videos, or statements recorded by outside parties and
shared without our permission.