2022-23 Monthly Meetings

September 17, 2022
Jeffrey James Higgins is a retired supervisory special agent who writes thrillers, short stories, scripts, creative nonfiction, and essays. He has wrestled a suicide bomber, fought the Taliban in combat, and chased terrorists across five continents. He received the Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Heroism and the DEA Award of Valor. Jeffrey has been interviewed by CNN, Fox News, and The New York Times. He is a #1 Amazon bestselling author and has won seventeen literary awards, including PenCraft’s Best Fiction Book of 2021. He was recently nominated for Silver Falchion Awards for Best Suspense and Best Thriller and a Claymore Award for Best Mystery. Discover his writing at https://JeffreyJamesHiggins.com.
Jeffrey James Higgins
Award-Winning Author of FURIOUS and UNSEEN
October 15, 2022
The MWG’s annual Three-Minute Fiction Slam took place at our October meeting!
Winners were:
Laura Dedmon - First place
Michael Matros - Second place
Brenna Manuel - Third place
The first place winners will advance to the state level of competition sponsored by the New Hampshire Writers’s Project. For more information about flash fiction, please go to: https://nhwritersproject.org

November 19, 2022
Susie Spikol, award-winning author of The Animal Adventurer’s Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a
Frog Red-Handed, will talk about the process of publishing children’s non fiction. A Brooklyn, NY native, Susie has been a naturalist with the Harris Center for Conservation Education in Hancock for over thirty years and has inspired thousands of Monadnock Region children to love nature. She is currently at work on a sequel to the Animal Adventurer’s Guide https://susiespikol.com
December 17, 2022
Biannual Members Read-Around
At our December meeting, members of the Monadnock Writers’ Group will read excerpts of their own work for up to ten minutes each. Every year, this is an inspirational opportunity to enjoy the creative talents of our members. The public is welcome to attend.

January 21, 2023
James Patrick Kelly has won the Hugo, Nebula and Locus awards. His newest project is King of the Dogs, Queen of the Cats, a short novel coming in January 2020 from Subterranean Press. His most recent publication is the collection, The Promise of Space, published in 2018 from Prime Books. His novel Mother Go was an Audible Original in 2017. In 2016, Centipede Press published a career retrospective in its Masters of Science Fiction series entitled James Patrick Kelly, Master of Science Fiction. He has published over a hundred stories and his fiction has been translated into eighteen languages. With John Kessel he is co-editor of Digital Rapture: The Singularity Anthology, Kafkaesque: Stories Inspired by Franz Kafka, The Secret History Of Science Fiction, Feeling Very Strange: The Slipstream Anthology and Rewired: The Post Cyberpunk Anthology. He writes a column on the internet for Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine and recently retired from faculty of the Stonecoast Creative Writing MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine where he taught for fifteen years.

February 18, 2023
Darcey Gohring is a freelance writer based in the New York City area who specializes in human interest and lifestyle content. She is the host of the Moms Don’t Have Time to Write Online writing community and a writing instructor at The Writers Circle. She is a contributing author to the anthology book, Corona City: Voices From an Epicenter, and recently completed her first novel.

March 18, 2023
Abbi Glines Sullivan, a romance writer living in the Monadnock region, is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and international bestselling author of Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Boys South of the Mason Dixon, and The Field Party Series. She is also author to Sweet Trilogy and Black Souls Trilogy. https://abbiglinesbooks.com

April 15, 2023
Poet Robert Carr is a lifelong advocate for health equality, and recently retired from his job as Deputy Director for the Bureau of Infectious Diseases at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. His first full length collection, The Unbuttoned Eye, concentrates on the early decades of the AIDS pandemic. His forthcoming collection, The Heavy of Human Clouds, contrasts the global climate crisis with the aging human body. Robert is an eight time Pushcart nominee and a 2022 Monson Arts resident. His work appears in numerous journals including Crab Orchard Review, Lana Turner Journal, the Maine Review, the Massachusetts Review and Shenandoah. Raised in the Monadnock area, he now lives in central Maine with his husband and whippet and is excited to meet the writers of the Monadnock Writers Group.

May 20, 2023
New Hampshire resident Brandon Dubois is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty-four novels, including The First Lady, The Cornwalls Vanish, (March 2019), and The Summer House (June 2020) co-authored with James Patterson. He has written more than 180 short stories. https://brendandubois.com
June 17, 2023
Biannual Members Read-Around
At our June meeting, members of the Monadnock Writers’ Group will read excerpts of their own work for up to ten minutes each. Every year, this is an inspirational opportunity to enjoy the creative talents of our members. The public is welcome to attend.